I suspect that perfect logic self-destructs. Perfect logic would see that it is a closed circle of premises and would therefore rest itself. I would guess that perfect feeling would do the same. It would find its uninhibited selfish hedonism meaningless without a language to describe it or any sustainable structure, so it would settle back into the void united with logic. I suspect that logic and feeling and all the other possible ways to experience this dimension are sides of the same infinite-sided coin, their connections playfully concealed for the sake of the game we’re playing.
The same could be said for existence and non-existence. They may try to separate from each other, but always, the other follows, its mystery and novelty becoming increasingly attractive. Life cannot exist without death. There is no eternal life. There is eternal life and death… Yin and yang… Call it what you like, but it bends around on itself in a conceptual sphere… always curved. What you witness and experience depends where you are on the sphere… which is where you are in time and space. Cycling through… circling through… spiraling through. Always a new path from one extreme to the other and back. Spirals, baby, forever connected in contiguous infinity. Forget about straight lines. Fool's gold!
# posted by Greg @ 10:41 AM