If you strip away everything… all the life and all the matter, there is still the potential for life and matter, which can never go away. Creation is possible. This is proven by the letters reaching your mind and slicing your moment right now. If we step beyond language and meditate, this is ‘evident’.
This creative power, potential or actualized, is the life energy and it shines through if we let it. Read the last sentence one more time.
Our task is to remove the barriers we have constructed and let the light shine. The barriers are constancy and stagnancy and dogma of any sort. An ego is ok, as long as that ego is forever willing to change or disintegrate. Any truly functional sense of self must evolve with the situation, which is forever changing in time. And then the self must realize that it is infinite in its potential to evolve and to connect to the energy and wisdom of life. And then the self can see past itself. It sees that, at least theoretically, it is, by association with and in terms of its potential manifestations… infinite. The self is infinitely connected to cause and effect, as a cause and an effect. Time opens up infinite possible situations and mutations of the self in space, in thought, in relationship. Ready, set, dance!
# posted by Greg @ 10:59 AM