Monday, December 27, 2004


Freedom- a quote

If you really want freedom, happiness will arise
From happiness will come rapture
When your mind is enraptured, your body is tranquil
When your body is tranquil, you will know bliss
Because you are blissful, your mind will concentrate easily
Being concentrated, you will see things as they really are
In so seeing, you will become aware that life is a miracle
Being so aware, you will lose all your attachments
As you cease grasping, so you will be freed.

-Digha Nikaya

didn't work, mermaid has me
Being so aware, you will lose all your attachments
As you cease grasping, so you will be freed, and then your bangs will stand up stright in the air. But you will take no notice of such unearthly will just keep driving vacantly and expressionlessly...the road goes on..."how long have I been on this road"?..."has it been 5 minutes or 5 years"..."have I somehow slipped into a previous incarnation"?...

"carnations, carnations....I've got it, its filtering in...I used to sell carnations outside a chrch in new york city in 1856- I am certain of it" long have I been driving?" "...will my hair still stand straight up after I shower?"...."I have to know..."
" man I could use a $15 starbucks"...."WAIT!! what fukin year is this???"....
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